Critical methodology: Islamic Philosophy‘s Theory in art and architecture studies

Document Type : Original Article


Art university of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The defect in explaining method and methodology in studies of Islamic philosophy and Islamic art is one of the significant issues of studies and articles of Islamic philosophy and art. There is a dominant pattern in most of the papers that are written in the title of “Philosophical approach in Art and Architecture studies. In this pattern, everything including artistic and non-artistic things predicates directly to philosophers thought, for example, Isfahan in the Safavid era. In these papers, the most oppress impose to philosophy and philosophers because the writers of these papers attribute their dogmatic claims to the special philosopher in a certain era. No one is able to deny: philosophers are the progressive of the Culture and the representative of the cultural context. The direct attribution of philosophical theory to an artistic thing or building does not change a paper to philosophical research. The main aim of this article is the Critique of the writings in which philosophical views impose on art studies.
